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Sisyphus Brewing

What's in a name? When you look at brewery names, it generally relates to something about the area it's located in, or has some personal meaning to the owner.

We've heard of Sisyphus Brewing for a while, and had never visited it until recently, but the name has always been intriguing, because it's not a name you normally think of for a brewery. It has a very deep meaning to the founder of the brewery. Sisyphus was a Greek king who was a tyrant, and did a lot of bad things. His punishment was to roll a boulder up an endless hill. You can read more about the meaning behind the story here:

What about the brewery itself? It's nestled in a nice spot in Minneapolis, next door to Dunwoody Institute, and not far from downtown. It really encapsulates the "all are welcome" persona, as a pride flag was displayed out front on our visit.

Inside, it's a small, but cozy environment. There are games for you to play while you drink, and they are dog friendly, inside and out.

One thing you may not know about them is that they have a comedy club as well. They have open mic nights, and will bring in comedians to do their stand up act on a pretty frequent basis.

As for the beer, they have a variety-from light beers to hoppy beers to dark beers, plus they have ciders and seltzers for those who want something a little different. The beer that really stood out to us was their Peanut Butter Jackpot, their stout. Sometimes, when you drink something like this, brewers tend to make it a bit too strong with the peanut butter. This had the perfect balance to us.

If you live in the area, or are coming to town for an event, we would highly recommend coming here. The beertenders don't just sling a beer at you and let you drink it. If you're not sure what you're getting into, they will help you. We didn't know what we wanted when we came, and we were ultimately led to the aforementioned stout, but don't sleep on their Samm's lager either. That is a very crushable beer too.

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